Dear Mom,
Now that I have been shown the light with my last heartbreak and I am able to move on, learn the lessons I need to learn, I know that I am ready to find my true mate.
I asked the spirits to show me my mate in a dream and that night I dreamt of him. I was walking into a scene where I could see myself sitting next to a man. We were talking and laughing and even though I had no idea what we were saying, I felt happy. In moments I was back inside my body and looking at him. He asked me if I would like to go on a date with him and I said that I would love to.
Any time I dreamt of a man that I didn’t know, I was never able to see his face. This time I saw his face but not in perfect clarity. While I looked at him, I saw that he was Caucasian, he had short dark hair but otherwise, was not very recognizable or distinguishable. Just as I was wondering if I was attracted to him, something in the scene changed. His face began to fade but his eyes became clear and captivating. All I could see were his eyes and they were the most uniquely beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
That was about all I could recall when I woke up but later that day I remembered sitting on a cushioned bench with a beige wall behind us and a large window behind him. Later I realized that it was where I go each lunch time to read.
But really, all I care about are his eyes. Later when I was telling a co-worker about the dream and how his eyes were brought out, she asked me what I thought it meant. I told her I thought it was because our eyes are windows to our souls and that is how I will recognize him.
I have yet to see him and his amazing eyes, but I know he is just around the corner. I can’t wait until the day I can write to you and tell you about it.
I miss you very much and love you even more.
Love, Shelley